Onalaska School District Science Observatory
Herold Observatory
The Herold Observatory houses a 24" telescope. We view galaxies, nebula, star clusters, planets, and the moon.
The telescope was specifically engineered to be low to the ground to make it easier for school age astronomers, as well as college students and adults, to see the wonders of the night sky. All viewing is from a standard chair on rollers - no step ladders or risers needed here! The chair is rolled out of the way when wheelchair use is desired.

Telescope Before

Telescope After

Focuser and Eyepiece
The observatory is open when weather is clear and there is enough notice. Always check the weather before heading to the observatory.
Map - Take Highway 508 east for 8 miles from I-5; take Carlisle Ave left (north), and take another left (west) at the north end of the Onalaska elementary-middle school complex (6th St W). To the right of the red building at the end of the drive, there is an opening in the fence about midway along the fence. After going through this opening, walk across the soccer field to the dome. There is also a neon open sign on the small red building, which is visible from Carlisle Ave.
Check the calendar often, as we are often open on other clear, moonless nights.
WGS 84 GPS COORDINATES are N 46.58281 lat, and W 122.72210 long.
